2024 Student Body Elections FAQ

How Can I Vote? 

  • Voting for all undergraduate students will take place on the Student Hub until March 16th! You should immediately receive a pop-up that will direct you to the ballot form.

Who are the candidates that are running? 

  • There is one slate running this year, Coughlin-Donoghue. Learn more at the meet the candidates page here.

Where can I follow the vote count? 

  • While the exact number of votes cast for each slate, no confidence, and abstain are confidential until the voting period is over, the live tally of the total number of votes cast and the threshold to certify the election can be found here.

What does a vote of “no confidence” mean? 

  • Voters must cast a ballot for exactly one slate or for “no confidence”. When a voter does not support any of the eligible slates, they may select “no confidence”. Selecting this option will still permit the voter to proceed to the next page of the ballot and cast a vote on all referenda posed on the ballot.

What does a vote of “abstain” mean? 

  • Voters may choose to “abstain” their vote. When a voter does not wish to vote for or against any of the slate(s), they may select “abstain.” Selecting this option will still permit the voter to proceed to the next page of the ballot and cast a vote on all referenda posed on the ballot. Abstained votes will not count towards the 20% needed to validate the election results.

How many students must vote to validate the elections results? 

  • The Direct Elections Manual states that 20% of the undergraduate student body must cast a vote in the election to validate the results. A failure to reach this participation rate by the end of the election will result in the Student Senate electing the students to these positions.