Become a Senator

One great way to get involved in Northeastern’s Student Government Association is by becoming a Senator, representing your academic college/school, or a student organization on campus!

All Senators attend weekly Senate meetings and keep regular contact with the constituency that they represent. Your goal as a Senator is to inform members of the student body of the changes that are being made here at Northeastern, then advocate on their behalf to make sure the most important changes are prioritized and implemented with students’ best interest in mind. Senators serve as the voice of their constituents in the Association, which in turn is the liaison between the student body and the University Administration.


Become a Delegate or Board Member

Outside of Senate, SGA consists of several committees and boards that each specialize in a unique aspect of student life here at Northeastern. Committees and Boards meet once a week, and each have a variety of projects and leadership opportunities that you can get involved in. Committee meetings are open to the public, and can have an unlimited number of members. Boards, on the other hand, generally allocate money or make judicial decisions, and subsequently have closed meetings with a specific number of members accepted through an application process. Click on the link to learn more about each SGA committee and Board, and feel free to contact the chair of any committee(s) or board(s) that you are interested in!


Minute Taker

SGA hires students as minutes takers on a work-study basis. Minutes takers proofread meeting minutes. Students must have federal work-study to qualify.

For more information, please contact our VP for Operational Affairs, Matt Coughlin, at