2025 Voter guide

Hello Northeastern Undergraduates!

The Student Government Association (SGA) is your voice on campus—advocating for student interests, shaping policies, and working to improve the Northeastern experience. Every year, Direct Elections give you the power to decide who represents you and leads SGA’s key initiatives.

From Tuesday, March 18th to Monday, March 24th, you will be able to vote on the Student Hub or in person to elect the next Student Body President and Executive Vice President and vote on five referenda questions. 

  • When you open the Student Hub, you’ll be greeted with a pop-up telling you it’s time to vote! 

    • Please note: you will be unable to access the Student Hub until you cast your vote in the election. 

  • The Elections Board will be offering in-person voting on Tuesday, March 18,  Friday, March 21, and Monday, March 24 from 11:30am to 2:00pm in Snell Quad.

In the Presidential Election section, you’ll be able to vote in four ways. 

  • Your options include: 

    • voting for a slate: voting for the slate means that you want them to be President and Executive Vice President next year

    • abstaining from the vote: selecting Abstain is an indication that you do not wish to cast your vote for or against the slate and will not count towards the 20% participation threshold required to validate the election

    • casting a vote of no confidence: selecting this option will be an official vote certifying that you do not support the slate running in the Election

    • writing in a candidate: if you wish to cast a vote but not for either slate running, you will also have the option to vote for a write-in candidate for President by typing in their name or Northeastern email address. A write-in candidate may be any undergraduate student at Northeastern

In the Referenda section, there will be a list of 5 referendum questions that call for University or SGA action. You’ll be able to respond “Yes” or “No” to the questions. Your responses to these questions will help guide improvements to the student experience.

If you have any questions about the election or referenda, please reach out to Executive Director of Elections Kate Mittelhauser at SGAelections@northeastern.edu.

Click on the title of the referendum for more information.

If a referendum is passed, a Vice President within the Student Government Association will be assigned to carry out the project.

referenda information

  • Sponsor: Student Government Association Office of the President

    Ballot Question:
    The question you’re being asked to answer.

    “To promote sustainable student organization funding, should the Student Government Association be permitted to annually recommend an increase to the Student Activity Fee of up to the percent growth in fully-recognized organizations in addition to the current standard of the Consumer Price Index plus 2%?”

    Introductory Clauses:
    This is the context as to why the question is being asked.

    “WHEREAS: Since its creation in 1983, the Student Activity Fee has served as the premiere fund promoting a vibrant campus and allowing undergraduate students of all backgrounds to participate in enriching extracurricular activities; AND

    WHEREAS: over the last three years, the number of fully-recognized student organizations increased from 332 in 2022 to 422 now; AND

    WHEREAS: the massive expansion of organizations came during a period of high inflation, with prices increasing 13% between January 2022 and January 2025, according to the the Consumer Price Index; AND

    WHEREAS: the combination of high costs and limited funding restricts the programming student organizations can host; AND

    WHEREAS: the mission of the Student Government Association is to enrich “Student Life and the overall Northeastern experience,” meaning that it is the responsibility of the Student Government Association to ensure the Student Activity Fee is sufficient to foster a vibrant campus; AND

    WHEREAS: increasing the Student Activity Fee by more than the Consumer Price Index plus 2% requires the support of the student body in a referenda”

    Operative Clauses:
    This is the proposed actions to be taken if the referendum passes.

    “THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Effective upon passage, each year, the Student Government Association shall have the power to increase the Student Activity Fee by up to the Consumer Price Index plus 2% plus the percent growth in fully-recognized clubs during the previous year;

    AND FURTHER THAT: For the first adjustment only, the Student Government Association shall have the power to increase the Student Activity Fee by up to the Consumer Price Index plus 2% plus the percent growth in full-recognized clubs between January 2021 and when the change is enacted.”

  • Sponsor: Student Government Association Campus Affairs Division

    Ballot Question:
    The question you’re being asked to answer.

    “Should a commission with the power to select, install, and remove Public Art at Northeastern be formed with student, administrative, and faculty representatives?”

    Introductory Clauses:
    This is the context as to why the question is being asked.

    “WHEREAS: Public art plays a critical role in building a vibrant global network of campuses by strengthening the connection between students, the University, and surrounding communities; AND

    WHEREAS: ensuring public art resonates with students, alumni, and the broader community requires considering each perspective throughout the planning process; AND

    WHEREAS: even as Northeastern’s public art initiative enters its tenth year, decisions on public art selection and placement are made by the university administration; AND

    WHEREAS: the lack of involvement from all stakeholders has resulted in art installations incongruous with the surround environment and student use of spaces, such as “Rooted” obstructing the words “Northeastern” on Ell Hall, even as taking a graduation photo with “Northeastern” in the background is one of the few traditions on the Boston campus; AND

    WHEREAS: recognizing that a mix of unilateral administrative decision-making and insufficient feedback mechanisms have caused public art installations incongruous with the University’s mission, it is necessary to establish a representative body to govern the Public Art initiative; AND

    WHEREAS: it is the responsibility of the Student Government Association to “serve as the voice of the undergraduate student body” and “promote student interests within the University and its surrounding communities,” the Student Government Association has a duty to establish this commission;”

    Operative Clauses:
    This is the proposed actions to be taken if the referendum passes.

    “THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: a Public Art Commission will be created as the body charged with the power to select, install, and remove Public Art from all of the University’s global campuses;

    AND FURTHER THAT: the Public Art Commission will be composed of members of the university administration, members of the Student Government Association, and members of the faculty;”

  • Sponsor: Jonathan Kopel

    Ballot Question:
    The question you’re being asked to answer.

    “Should Northeastern reinstate the noise gradient in Snell Library, with the first floor being a collaboration zone and the fourth floor being a "silent" zone?”

    Introductory Clauses:
    This is the context as to why the question is being asked.

    “Before the major recent renovations to Snell Library, it was generally accepted that the first floor was a collaboration floor, and as you went up the floors, the noise level decreased. The fourth floor was considered to be a "silent zone" with absolutely no talking, allowing students on that floor to have a quiet place to study.

    During construction, these conventions were lost since it was difficult to maintain "silence" during renovation. However, now that renovations are completed and the amount of collaboration spaces have increased, these conventions have not been reimplemented by Snell Library staff or the general student body.”

    Operative Clauses:
    This is the proposed actions to be taken if the referendum passes.

    “Northeastern should re-put up signs throughout Snell detailing the noise restrictions on each floor, reinstating the previous noise gradient in the building. Additionally, in the past, you were able to call/approach the front desk and alert them if someone was violating these rules. This protocol could be reimplemented.”

  • Sponsor: Adia Madden

    Ballot Question:
    The question you’re being asked to answer.

    “Should Northeastern establish a dedicated campus transportation service for mobility impaired students to ensure that they can access classes and campus resources more easily and on time?”

    Introductory Clauses:
    This is the context as to why the question is being asked.

    “Currently on campus, there is an absence of transportation services for those who are injured and on crutches. A multitude of students can end up on crutches during the school year for a wide variety of different reasons. The Northeastern campus is 73 acres and traverses hectic Huntington Avenue. On average, a student has to walk about 10-15 minutes to get to class from any of the on-campus dorms. This is a particularly daunting task with crutches; presenting issues such as underarm pain, extra exertion, and the struggle of balancing a backpack. Walking, especially crossing the street, takes longer with crutches and adds congestion to the already busy foot traffic around campus. As a university with almost 16,000 undergraduate students, there is an immense need for there to be a system in place to help those on crutches get to class on time.
    On Northeastern Oakland’s campus, there is a golf cart disability service for those who are on crutches or have mobility impairments. This has proved to be very beneficial to a majority of students. Boston College, just several miles away, has a disability van service called “Eagle Escorts” to transport physically impaired students across campus. Boston College provides a list of students who are granted the services to the campus police department. When needed, a student calls a special phone number extension of BC’s police department and a police car is dispatched to assist with transportation.
    As a university with such high tuition, students are paying for both an education and the opportunity to use the university’s varied resources.”

    Operative Clauses:
    This is the proposed actions to be taken if the referendum passes.

    “To fix this issue, there needs to be an expansion of Northeastern’s current safety escort services. It would follow the same structure, but could be navigated through the disability services accommodation portal. After being approved for the accommodation, the student would be given a phone number to access the services for the duration they are on crutches.
    The Disability Services at Northeastern Boston's campus are only permitted to offer extra time to get to class or the Red Eye service for students with mobility issues. It is important to note that the Red Eye service operates from 5pm to 6am and only transports students off campus while half the student body resides on Northeastern's campus. Therefore, this service disregards half of Northeastern students while providing limited and inconvenient hours.
    In order to make injured students feel supported, we must expand our disability services to accommodate all students and their various needs.”

  • Sponsor: Daniel Zeng and Student Government Association Campus Services Committee

    Ballot Question:
    The question you’re being asked to answer.

    “Should there be a direct airport shuttle from Northeastern University to Logan Airport for university-recognized breaks?”

    Introductory Clauses:
    This is the context as to why the question is being asked.

    “86% of students surveyed who travel home for breaks, fly
    57.4% of students surveyed shared that they spent excessive amounts of money on rideshare services
    94% of students surveyed say they would actually utilize this service should it be implemented
    Airport shuttle infrastructure already exists in other Boston area schools, one of them being Boston College that runs seasonal shuttles by the UGBC to Logan Airport that transport students effectively.”

    Operative Clauses:
    This is the proposed actions to be taken if the referendum passes.

    “1. Full-time shuttle service functioning during long breaks in the academic year to transport students from Northeastern’s campus to Logan Airport.
    2. Shuttle will run directly before university-recognized breaks, including Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break, as well as the end of each semester.”

Slate information

The 2025 Direct Election will have one slate on the ballot: Huskies Forward.

This slate is composed of Julian Herzing-Burkard as Student Body President and Dylan Lee as Executive Vice President.

Find Huskies Forward’s instagram here.

Watch the Video of the Candidate Q&A Event Here!

Platform of Huskies Forward:

“Hi everyone, we are Julian and Dylan, and we are the Huskies Forward Slate!

Who We Are

I’m Julian, and I am a 3rd International Business Major with a minor in Environmental Studies! Some of my favorite things to do include playing rock or jazz music on piano, playing and watching soccer (go BVB and Gunners!), traveling with my family, and getting some games of EAFC25 in with friends! I’m currently the SGA Vice President of Campus Affairs, where I am in charge of leading campus advocacy and projects for SGA, and have been part of SGA for two years. Some of my accomplishments include creating an incoming student guide, working on the meal plan reform, passing sustainability referenda on plastic water bottle reduction, and helping on ‘loofah tree’ relocation advocacy. 

My name is Dylan, and I’m a 3rd year Data Science and Economics major! I love cooking lasagna, reading fiction (currently I’m in my Murakami phase), playing board games, studying languages, and arguing about subjects I know little about. I’m currently the SGA Vice President for Student Involvement, managing and supporting student organizations and have been SGA for two years now. Some of my biggest accomplishments include writing the Student Organization Policy Manual, overseeing the Student Organization Constitution Overhaul Project, organizing Club Affinity Mixers, and transforming the Division of Student Involvement into a resource for any and all club leaders to look to for guidance and support.

Our 3 Big Goals in Brief

Our three main goals that we want to push this next year all revolve around the student experience. Our first goal is to create a student events app that can act as the go-to place for students to find out what’s happening on campus and increase the strength of our Northeastern community. Students would be able to see details about showstopper events like Spring Fest and Homecoming, see when the Huskies are shooting pucks, or even discover niche interests like Origami Club or Dang I Love Fossils. Our second goal is to fight for more study space during Finals Week. We’ve all experienced the pain of trying to find somewhere to cram before your big Final the next day. We’re looking to push the Northeastern Administration to open up more spaces to allow YOU to adequately get through your all-nighter such as the Curry upper floor rooms and event spaces. Our last goal is to help better integrate NUin students to the Boston Campus. If you’re an NUin student, you know that starting classes in your first semester back can be blindsiding. Adjusting at a global university such as this one shouldn’t need to require a couple semesters. We want to plan engaging events to simulate student-to-student interactions and help create bonds that’ll last a lifetime!

Our Overarching Objectives

Overall, we want to build a stronger Northeastern student community and advocate for student resources and spaces to be offered to their fullest potential! Our three goals above will help us with that, but we will not stop at those three goals for what we want to push for and what we hope student government will achieve in the upcoming year. 

Beyond our goals for projects and what we want to accomplish for the student body, we of course want to make sure student government is continuing to be run effectively, and continuing to be an inclusive space for students and a place for curiosity, creativity, and membership development! We will be in charge of running student government of course, so it is important for us to make sure things are running well within the association to make all of our work more impactful and make sure every student who joins is getting the experience they desire! 

As a slate, we have one final big objective – we want to talk with you all! Don’t be afraid to reach out to us, and talk to us about any concerns you may have that we could possibly work together on to address. Every student deserves to be heard – as we say, ‘Your Pack Your Voice!’”

Julian Herzing-Burkard (left) and Dylan Lee (right) posing together for a photo.

Photo Courtesy of Huntington News’ Jessica Xing

  • Graduation Year: 2026

    Major(s): International Business

    Minor(s): Environmental Science

    Involvement: Member of the Green Initiatives Board (2022 - present); Chair of Campus Planning Advisory Board (Fall 23 - Spring 24); Member of Dining Advisory Board (Fall 23 - Present); Vice President of Campus Affairs (Fall 24 - Present); HEAT E-board (SGA Senator, Fall 23 - Spring 24) (VP of HEAT Incubators, Fall 24 - Present); Member of Sustainability Committee (Spring 24 - Present)

    Personal Statement:

    Hi everyone!

    I am Julian, and I am so excited to be running for student body president! I have been involved in almost everything related on campus from dining to sustainability, much of it through student government! I was part of reforming the meal plans to be cheaper and more flexible, part of the engagement and legislation advocating for the “loofah trees” to be relocated, and have been part of many projects looking to improve campus spaces and campus sustainability as well! Dylan and I have 3 action-oriented goals for next semester to make the student experience for all huskies just a touch better! If you have suggestions or want to get involved, I’d love to hear it, so come talk to me anytime! Remember, your pack, your voice!

  • Graduation Year: 2026

    Major: Data Science and Economics

    Student Organization Involvement:

    Student Government Association:

    Vice President for Student Involvement (Apr 2024 - Present)

    Director of Student Organization Governance (Sept 2023 - Apr 2024)

    Northeastern University Association of Gaming Enthusiasts:

    Member (Jan 2023 - Apr 2024)

    Game Development Club:

    Member (Jan 2023 - Apr 2023)

    Anime of NU:

    Member (Sept 2023 - Apr 2024)

    Northeastern University Tabletop Roleplaying Society:

    Member (Jan 2025 - Present)

    Personal Statement:

    Hello Huskies! My name is Dylan and I’m running on the Huskies Forward slate for Executive Vice President together with Julian Herzing-Burkard. When I first came to this campus, I was afraid. Afraid that I wouldn’t make any friends, afraid that I wouldn’t fit in with this new environment, afraid that I wouldn’t be able to experience the college life that all the adults in my life remembered as their best years. But, like many of you, I was able to join clubs and attend events and meet some of my very best friends. To me, Northeastern isn’t just a university or place to get a degree. It’s also my community, my home. After just a semester on the Boston campus, I came to realize that student organizations are the lifeblood of this school and that’s why I decided to join SGA. I wanted to give back to the student organizations that sheltered me from isolation and loneliness and help them thrive just as they’ve done for me. 

    I first started in SGA as the Director of Student Organization Governance, helping set club constitutional policy to ensure consistent and fair governance and elections. I wrote the Student Organization Policy Manual, enabling easier access to the rules surrounding clubs, allowing SGA to retire the practice of passing them down verbally from year to year. Finally, I restructured the old Student Involvement Board to the Division of Student Involvement to give SGA the manpower it needed to actually support student organizations on campus with governance, compliance, operations, and new organization approvals. 

    In the Spring, I ran for Vice President for Student Involvement so that I could engage even further. As Vice President, my division and I instituted the overhaul of club constitutions to standardize them and ensure fairness in membership and elections. We started club affinity mixers where we plan affinity focused events for club leaders and members of those affinities. We are even going to run a new organization club fair which will give students the ability to learn about the prospective clubs going through the new organization process and  clubs the opportunity to increase their reach and recruit new members. 

    I’m proud of my record in SGA and I think the next step for me to make an impact at this university is Executive Vice President! As Executive Vice President, I hope to continue my involvement with Northeastern’s club community and create a common place that all students can use to find events and clubs, thereby increasing student integration in the community. This objective, together with countless others such as opening up more study space during finals week and providing NUin students with more support during their first semester will be the Huskies Forward slate’s focus as we come into the next year. I hope that you can support us and help us make Northeastern a better place for all Northeastern students!