Student Activity Fee Funding

The Finance Board provides funding to organizations on campus that help create a vibrant campus life. The Student Activity Fee (SAF) is a limited resource that isn’t intended to fully support every organization. Therefore, the Finance Board encourages organizations to pursue other avenues of funding like holding fundraisers. We encourage organization to develop operations that are sustainable for the long term and not to fully rely on the Finance Board for funding.


In order to receive funding, student organizations must meet the following criteria as specified in the SAF Manual:

  • Be fully or tentatively recognized and in good standing with the Division of Student Involvement, CSI, and SABO.

  • Be in good standing with all affiliate organizations.

  • Complete all outstanding paperwork for previous Student Activity Fee requests.

Funding Process


Apply for the Student Activities Fee (SAF) funding through your organization's Engage finance tool. Be sure to read the rules as defined in the SAF Manual.



Submit your budget request by the deadline. Wait for an email from the Finance Board on next steps. 



For supplemental & tentative budgets, your organization will meet briefly with the Finance Board to discuss the budget request.



Your organization will be notified of the decision approximately one week after your presentation/application review. 

Student Activity Fund


This student endorsed fee provides support for student organizations, clubs and entertainment events throughout the school year. It is assessed annually for undergraduate students and per term for other student populations.


Any advertisement or promotional material for an event funded by the Student Activity Fee must include the SAF logo.

Supplemental & Tentative Budgets

Supplemental Budgets are intended for newly recognized clubs or pre-existing recognized clubs without recent funding history. Organizations currently on Annual Budgets are not eligible for Supplemental Budgets.

Tentative Budgets are intended organizations looking for fully recognition as a way to start putting on smaller scale events.

  • Funds events, equipment purchases, or registration fees

  • For fully recognized organizations:

    • Up to $1,500 per request

    • Up to four requests per fiscal year

  • For tentatively recognized organizations:

    • Up to $500 per fiscal year

    • Up to two requests per fiscal year

Annual Budgets

Annual Budgets are allocated to groups at the beginning of the Fiscal Year. Organizations currently on Annual Budgets are not eligible for Supplemental Budgets.

  • Allow budgets to be allocated ahead of time

  • For groups with recurring finances

  • Previous spending report must be complete

Green Initiatives Fund

The Green Initiatives Fund exists to help alleviate financial barriers associated with implementing sustainable practices and programming on campus. Funded projects are intended to advance the Northeastern University undergraduate experience with regard to environmentalism and sustainability. Undergraduate students may request funding for individually-led endeavors or on behalf of a student organization. The Green Initiatives Fund is managed by the Green Initiatives Board and Sustainability Fund Manual.

Fundable projects include:

  • Projects that promotes environmentalism and sustainability on and/or off campus

  • Projects that educates Undergraduate students about environmentalism and sustainability

  • Projects that offsets environmental degradation resulting from activities at Northeastern University or within the broader community

  • Events that promotes environmentalism and sustainability at Northeastern University

Funding Process


Complete this form, which asks for a description of the project, the amount of financial support being sought, breakdown of how the budget will be spent, and a general timeline.


Board Review

The Board reviews and votes on requests within two weeks of their submission. Please note that the Board does not meet over recesses from school or on holidays, so extra time may pass before hearing from us.



Following a vote, the applicant will be notified via email of the decision before the following meeting. The Board may grant conditional approval, with funding contingent on the applicant agreeing to certain changes to the proposal.

Previous Projects

  • Materials used in cleanup of Revere Beach, NU NEWEA (NU Student Chapter of the New England Water Environment Association)

  • School supplies to support lessons about the natural world and relevant issues in sustainability for elementary school students in local communities, EcoScholars

  • Presentation and Q&A with Jenny Price, author of Stop Saving the Planet!: An Environmentalist Manifesto, NU ASLA (Northeastern University Student Affiliate Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects)

Additional Information

With about $6000 to distribute, the board is eager to help support student-led projects on campus. To the right is a general outline of the process for requesting funds. Our goal is to financially support the implementation sustainable practices and programming on campus.