Operational Appeals Board

The Operational Appeals Board serves as the judicial branch of the Association, charged with hearing appeals from all students regarding alleged violations of the Association’s governing documents by other SGA boards and committees. Every student has the right to file an appeal with the Parliamentarian and rest assured that the appeal will be heard without bias.

With the Parliamentarian serving as chair, the board is comprised of a maximum of six Justices and the Student Body President as an ex-officio, non-voting member. Justices are appointed by the President, approved by the Executive Board, and confirmed by the Senate. Once confirmed, Justices have a term that lasts for their entire career as an undergraduate student at Northeastern University. The Board is governed by the Operational Appeals Board Manual, which is approved by the Senate.


Meeting Times

The Board will meet on an ad hoc basis to hear appeals. The chair, however, reserves the right to call for more frequent meetings as needed.

Initiatives in Progress

  • Revision of the Operational Appeals Board Manual:

    • Consolidate procedures for appeals from various governing documents into a centralized location.

    • Promote accessibility of information related to appeals.

    • Standardize the procedures governing the appeals process.

    • Define the official actions that the Board can take.