Operational Affairs

About the Division

The Division of Operational Affairs is the cornerstone of internal management within SGA, responsible for maintaining up-to-date records, overseeing Senate activities, coordinating room bookings, and managing finances. This division ensures the smooth functioning of all operational aspects and is also responsible for digital innovation. By leading teams that develop custom solutions, it drives technological advancements tailored specifically to the needs of the SGA.

Division Leadership

Director of Information Management: Benedikt Winkler (winkler.b@northeastern.edu)

Director of Digital Innovation: Narayan Sharma (sharma.na@northeastern.edu)

Initiatives in Progress

  • Enhanced Python code for the Attendance Manager and integrated it with Sandbox's website.

  • Developed a new app to streamline Senator applications and approvals, automating the process of collecting Delegate signatures.

  • Revamping the SGA website to update tabs, links, and modernize its look.

  • Organizing the SGA Master Folder for easier access to historical information, legislation, and resources.

  • Creating a unified database for storing SGA account credentials to simplify transitions.

  • Creating a monthly check-in process for E-Board to keep the Operations team up to date on all things room bookings, finances, Senate, etc.

Past Accomplishments

  • Developed the Attendance Manager to track Senate membership, attendance, and manage absences.

  • Transitioned SGA to Slack for streamlined internal communication, based on member feedback.

  • Created a purchase form that tracks SGA's internal finances, ensuring the organization stays within budget.