This Week in Senate: March 8, 2021

Last Monday, March 8, the Student Government Association reconvened for a Full-body Senate. Mark Jannoni, Assistant Vice President for University Equity and Compliance & Title IX Coordinator, gave a special address to discuss Northeastern’s Title IX policy changes, updated to ensure compliance with new federal regulations. Federal law requires that Northeastern more strictly defines sexual assault, restricts allegations under the Title IX jurisdiction to those committed on campus property during educational programming, and change the formal resolution process by requiring a “live hearing” with cross-examinations, during which both the complainant and respondent must participate. To account for the shortcomings of the new federal regulations, Title IX has created an additional policy on Sexual & Gender Based Harassment (SGBH). The SGBH policy has jurisdiction over allegations taking place off campus and/or outside of educational programming. The procedure for SGBH cases mirrors that of the old Title IX policy, with no live hearings or cross-examinations. 

After the Senate was called to order, members of leadership gave their addresses.  Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Arenas announced that the peer advising program is officially beginning a pilot process in DMSB. This program will allow students to connect with peers for advising matters. We are hoping it will be replicated in other colleges soon. VP of Student Services Chávez announced that ITS is currently rolling out a density tracker pilot program, and students should expect access to the service in about a month. Finally, Elections Chair Chaturvedi reminded everyone that the election season is underway, and voting will be open on the Student Hub between March 14-18th! On the ballot will be candidates for Student Body President and Executive Vice President, as well as 5 referenda questions. 

The Senate debated and voted on SS-SP-21-109, a Sense of the Senate calling for the establishment of a Northeastern-wide syllabi database that professors could opt into to make their syllabi available to all students. After a short debate, the legislation passed by unanimous consent. SS-SP-21-110, a Sense of the Senate calling for the reversal of changes made to financial aid advising was removed from the agenda through a motion, because after further discussion with the financial aid office, it was concluded that the piece of legislation was not going to be beneficial to the student body. 

SS-SP-21-111 was introduced, a Sense of the Senate calling on the University to make the usage of SAIL non-compulsory in classes. Inquiries brought up during question and answer time included the implementation strategy of the authors if the legislation passes, and concerns about feasibility given the amount of money Northeastern has spent on the platform. Debate and voting procedure on SS-SP-21-111 will take place at the next Senate on Monday, March 15. Finally, the Senate approved by unanimous consent the FY22 budget proposed by President Kuznetsova.


This Week in Senate: March 15, 2021


This Week in Senate: March 1, 2021