Northeastern Student Government Association 2021 Direct Elections Results

Following a week of voting, results for the Student Government Association’s Direct Elections have been announced. A total of 4612 students participated in this year’s election, which is 24% of the full-time undergraduate community. The results are: 

  • 3430 — Power to the Pack slate

  • 590 — No Confidence

  • 592 — Abstentions

Out of these results, the Power to the Pack slate received 85.5% and No Confidence received 14.5% of the eligible votes (not including abstentions). 

As per the Association’s bylaws, President-Elect Casey Buttke and Executive Vice-President-Elect Isabella Galinkin shall begin serving their term at the beginning of the Summer 2 session and until the end of the following Summer I session.

There were five referenda questions presented on the ballot. Here is the break down of each with percentages (not including abstentions).

Question 1: Should the Northeastern administration work with the MBTA to reduce public transportation fares to the MBTA Reduced Fare rate (at least 50% reduction) for all Northeastern University students? (Passed with 97% approval)

  • 4346 — Yes

  • 112 — No

  • 154 — Abstain

Question 2: Should the Office of Student Orientation and Family Programs create specialized orientation programming dedicated to promoting overall student mental wellbeing and educating students on the mental health resources available to them, both on and off-campus? (Passed with 95% approval)

  • 3983 — Yes

  • 221 — No

  • 408 — Abstain

Question 3: Should Northeastern University allow students to pay tuition at the per-credit hour rate without the need to Petition for Reduced Load? (Passed with 96% approval)

  • 4004 — Yes

  • 152 — No

  • 456 — Abstain

Question 4: Should the Northeastern University Administration increase UHCS’s mental health funding to hire more clinicians representative of demographics of the Northeastern student body to reflect the needs of the student population? (Passed with 94% approval)

  • 3970 — Yes

  • 245 — No

  • 397 — Abstain

Question 5: Should Northeastern University adopt a 3 meal-per-day plan at a semesterly rate at least 24% less than the current 17 meal-per-week plan? (Passed with 96% approval)

  • 3988 — Yes

  • 173 — No

  • 451 — Abstain


Thank you so much to all who voted this year! We encountered quite a few technical glitches as we moved to the new Student Hub platform, and we will continue working on these bugs and issues with ITS for next year.


This Week in Senate: March 29, 2021


This Week in Senate: March 22, 2021