This Week in Senate: April 5, 2021

On Monday, April 5 the SGA reconvened for a full body Senate. Senate began with Executive Addresses and continued with explanations from EVP Opet that regarding the evening’s legislation, the Senators would be voting to suspend Article V Section C of the Bylaws, which allows the Senate to debate and vote on a piece of legislation during the same meeting that the legislation is introduced. 

First, the Senate had Q&A and executive debate sessions with two presidential nominees for Boston Intercollegiate Government (BIG) Liaison, Kate Kuznetsova and Chapin Alf. Questions for the candidates covered plans for growing the organization’s membership, collaboration with other schools, and committee membership and experience. After a secret ballot vote, both nominees were confirmed to the role of BIG Liaison for the 2021-2022 academic year. 

Next, the Senate reviewed legislation IR-SP-21-113. This Internal Resolution would establish project leads to work on the restructuring of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts within the Association, establish a standing committee for DEI for the 2021-2022 school year, and make the position of Executive Director of DEI defunct. While the project leads are collaborating to establish a permanent mechanism for DEI work within SGA, the standing committee will exist temporarily to ensure that advocacy continues in the fall. Next academic year, when the project leads have reached a consensus as to the best structure for DEI work, the project leads will bring forth legislation to include the new system in the governing documents. The Senate then voted to suspend the bylaws, held debate, and passed IR-SP-21-113 by unanimous consent. 

RG-SP-21-114 was presented next. This Resolution of Governance would remove engagement requirements for Senators. Engagement requirements are 2 hours Senators must spend each week engaging with their constituents through advocacy work, most commonly through SGA committee work. The authors cited engagement requirements being an inaccurate reflection of Senators’ engagement and the additional responsibilities of special interest Senators as justification for the legislation. In debate, Senators were largely supportive of the legislation, as it would allow them to work on projects they are truly passionate about. RG-SP-21-114 passed by unanimous consent. 

Next, RG-SP-21-115 was presented, a Resolution of Governance that would make a number of small updates to the governing documents, including adding the role of subcommittees, clarifying language about the voting rights of leadership members, and changing the standing procedures to create a formal method for calling an emergency recess. After a short Q&A with the authors and debate, RG-SP-21-115 passed by unanimous consent.

Finally, RG-SP-21-116 was introduced. This Resolution of Governance would restructure the Sustainability Board, dividing it into the Green Initiatives Board and the Sustainability Subcommittee. The Green Initiatives Board would manage the Renewable Energy Fund, and the Sustainability Subcommittee would complete sustainability advocacy projects. Following Q&A and debate, the Senate passed the final piece of legislation by unanimous consent. 

The Senate will reconvene on April 19 for a full body Senate. 


This Week in Senate: April 19, 2021


This Week in Senate: March 29, 2021