Starting Out
In order to get Preliminary Recognition from the Center for Student Involvement (CSI), you will need to fill out an application and have your application accepted. To complete the application, you must have all items below.
Advisor Agreement
A full-time Northeastern faculty or staff member must agree to become your organization’s faculty advisor. This form can be found in the application and must be signed by the faculty advisor.
Letter of Support
The letter of support must be from your faculty advisor, a Northeastern University faculty member, stating that they know of and support the creation of your proposed student organization.
Additional Letters of Support
If your organization is categorized as one of the following, reach out to the provided contact for an additional letter of support:
Academic Enrichment or Experiential & Professional - Dean of the College (or the Dean’s designee) most closely related to your organization’s mission
Club Sports - Rachael Tucker, Campus Recreation Office
Fraternity/Sorority -, Center for Student Involvement
International & Cultural -, Office of Global Services
Philanthropic & Community Engagement - Hilary Sullivan (, City and Community Engagement
Religious & Spiritual - Alex Kern, Center for Spirituality, Dialogue, and Service
Other - the campus office most relevant to your organizations purpose
If you have any questions about this – please email Henoss Taddesse (, Center for Student Involvement
Affiliate Letters of Support
Additionally, if your proposed organization is a chapter of a national or international organization, a letter of support (or charter) from the national organization will also be required.
Your organization will need to have at least twelve (12) members.
Recognition Benefit Reflection
A reflection on what you are looking for in being recognized by CSI. Examples may be, access to room bookings, funding from student government, marketing, CSI support, etc.
Recognition Reasoning
To identify ways that your organization differs from others on campus that are under similar missions. A full list can be found on Northeastern's Engage Page.
Additional questions or concerns?
Contact the Center for Student Involvement at or check out their website.