Student Organization Compliance Board

The Student Organization Compliance (SOC) Board works to foster a culture of understanding and compliance with policies within the Northeastern student organization community and student organization leadership by investigating complaints and feedback, mediating conflict, and administering sanctions as-needed. The SOC Board maintains a simple and transparent student organization investigation framework to fairly evaluate organization compliance and help organizations get back on track.




Meeting Times

Tuesdays from 8-9PM


  • Casey Goyette

  • Cathreen Paul

  • Janani Ganesh

  • Quella Wang

Initiatives in Progress

  • Creating workshops and videos to help foster understanding policies that apply to student organizations.

  • Developing more intentional mediation processes and sanctions.

Past Accomplishments

  • Investigated 60 complaints of student organization policy breaches in Spring 2024.

  • Created the Investigation Guidelines that dictates standard procedure for investigations in Spring 2024.