Campus Services Committee

The Campus Services Committee works on a breadth of projects related to improving campus services and the physical campus experience for undergraduate students, including Campus Recreation & Facilities, Transportation, Public Safety and Off-Campus Housing. It is a bridge between the Northeastern student body and our campus facilities, administrative offices, and various student resources at Northeastern. The Campus Services Committee is open to all undergraduate students with no prior experience and no commitment necessary. If you are interested, just show up!




Armaan Sarao


Patty Kongsomjit

Meeting Times

Wednesdays from 6-7pm in Curry Student Center 344

Initiatives in Progress

  • Shuttle Service from Campus to the Airport

  • Improvements to the SafeZone App

  • On-Campus Gym Improvements and Off-Campus Gym Subsidy Research

Past Accomplishments

  • Successful Referendum to improve SafeZone app 

  • Successful Sense of the Senate legislation to create SGA Emergency Taskforce

  • Wellness Days implementation (formerly Student Services) 

  • Successful Referendum for Off-Campus Gym Subsidies

  • Helped Dining Advisory Board with NU Dining Meal Plan reform