Northeastern Student Government Association 2020 Direct Elections Results

Following a week of voting, results for the Student Government Association’s Direct Elections were announced today. A total of 5,085 students participated in this year’s election which is 27% of the full-time undergraduate community. The results are:

  • 2,770 — NU Lens slate

  • 1,099 — No Confidence

  • 1,216 — Abstentions

Out of these results, the NU Lens slate received 71.6% and No Confidence received 28.4% of the eligible votes (not including abstentions).

As per the Association’s bylaws, President-Elect Kate Kuznetsova and Executive Vice-President-Elect Billy Opet of the NU Lens slate shall begin serving their term at the beginning of the Summer 2 session and until the end of the following Summer I session.

The ballot for the election also posed a referendum question to the Student Body. The question was “Should Northeastern fulfill the City of Boston’s requested monies for Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)?”. It passed with 80.6% of the eligible votes (not including abstentions). The vote totals are:

  • 2,426 — Yes

  • 585 — No

  • 2,074 — Abstain


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