Statement on the recent event regarding the deportation of Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein Abadi

To the Northeastern community:

On Sunday night at Logan Airport, Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein Abadi was unjustly denied entry into our country despite having a proper F1 student visa. The U.S Customs and Border Protection deported him before the scheduled Boston federal court hearing on Tuesday, without allowing him access to his lawyer.

We stand with Northeastern community members who feel affected by this incident of discrimination and intolerance. We are extremely proud of the rapid response and mobilization we have witnessed from fellow students, faculty, and staff, which is why we are actively fighting to preserve every students’ feeling of belonging on this campus.

To effectively advocate for you, we are working with Northeastern administrators to ensure clear communication regarding Shahab’s return. We hope for due process and justice for our fellow student and eagerly await his return back to campus. Until then, our hearts are with Shahab throughout this process.

The Student Government Association


Northeastern Student Government Association 2020 Direct Elections Results


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