Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee works to create, support, and implement sustainable practices and initiatives on campus and in the global Northeastern community. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, members work with other SGA divisions, student organizations, and administrative departments to best address the needs of students and to create a more sustainable campus. The Sustainability Committee is open to all undergraduate students with no prior experience and no commitment necessary. If you are interested, just show up!


Co-Chair: Alexandra Vergara-Anglim (

Meeting Times

Tuesdays from 6-7pm in Curry Student Center 336

Initiatives in Progress

  • Launch a program to coordinate volunteer opportunities with environmental groups across the Greater Boston area.

  • Working with administrators to increase composting locations on campus, focusing on outdoor areas and shared buildings.

  • Organizing focus groups to develop strategies that simplify composting and recycling for students, aiming to increase facility usage and reduce contamination of collection streams by incompatible waste.

  • Develop plans for pumpkin collection efforts to occur annually in the fall semester 

  • Workshop legislation supporting the restriction of single-use plastics. 

Past Accomplishments

  • Worked with DMSB Sustainability Committee members to gauge interest in eliminating the sale of plastic water bottles on the Boston Campus

  • Successful referenda gauging student support for prohibiting/limiting the sale and distribution of single-use plastic water bottles, with further collaborative efforts encouraging administration to establish an official Plastic Reduction Working Group

  • With administrative support, organized pumpkin collection sites at the end of autumn, redirecting pumpkins to be composted and reducing waste.

  • Hosted annual events for undergraduate students to promote sustainable practices and environmentalism.

Co-Chair: Emily Eng (