The 2025 Direct Election will have one slate on the ballot: Huskies Forward. This slate is composed of Julian Herzing-Burkard as Student Body President and Dylan Lee as Executive Vice President.

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about this year’s candidates!

Julian Herzing-Burkard (left) and Dylan Lee (right) posing together for a photo.

Photo Courtesy of Huntington News’ Jessica Xing

Julian Herzing-Burkard

  • Graduation Year: 2026

    Major(s): International Business

    Minor(s): Environmental Science

    Involvement: Member of the Green Initiatives Board (2022 - present); Chair of Campus Planning Advisory Board (Fall 23 - Spring 24); Member of Dining Advisory Board (Fall 23 - Present); Vice President of Campus Affairs (Fall 24 - Present); HEAT E-board (SGA Senator, Fall 23 - Spring 24) (VP of HEAT Incubators, Fall 24 - Present); Member of Sustainability Committee (Spring 24 - Present)

    Personal Statement:

    Hi everyone!

    I am Julian, and I am so excited to be running for student body president! I have been involved in almost everything related on campus from dining to sustainability, much of it through student government! I was part of reforming the meal plans to be cheaper and more flexible, part of the engagement and legislation advocating for the “loofah trees” to be relocated, and have been part of many projects looking to improve campus spaces and campus sustainability as well! Dylan and I have 3 action-oriented goals for next semester to make the student experience for all huskies just a touch better! If you have suggestions or want to get involved, I’d love to hear it, so come talk to me anytime! Remember, your pack, your voice!

Dylan Lee

  • Graduation Year: 2026

    Major: Data Science and Economics

    Student Organization Involvement: 

    Student Government Association:

    Vice President for Student Involvement (Apr 2024 - Present)

    Director of Student Organization Governance (Sept 2023 - Apr 2024)

    Northeastern University Association of Gaming Enthusiasts:

    Member (Jan 2023 - Apr 2024)

    Game Development Club:

    Member (Jan 2023 - Apr 2023)

    Anime of NU:

    Member (Sept 2023 - Apr 2024)

    Northeastern University Tabletop Roleplaying Society:

    Member (Jan 2025 - Present)

    Personal Statement:

    Hello Huskies! My name is Dylan and I’m running on the Huskies Forward slate for Executive Vice President together with Julian Herzing-Burkard. When I first came to this campus, I was afraid. Afraid that I wouldn’t make any friends, afraid that I wouldn’t fit in with this new environment, afraid that I wouldn’t be able to experience the college life that all the adults in my life remembered as their best years. But, like many of you, I was able to join clubs and attend events and meet some of my very best friends. To me, Northeastern isn’t just a university or place to get a degree. It’s also my community, my home. After just a semester on the Boston campus, I came to realize that student organizations are the lifeblood of this school and that’s why I decided to join SGA. I wanted to give back to the student organizations that sheltered me from isolation and loneliness and help them thrive just as they’ve done for me. 

    I first started in SGA as the Director of Student Organization Governance, helping set club constitutional policy to ensure consistent and fair governance and elections. I wrote the Student Organization Policy Manual, enabling easier access to the rules surrounding clubs, allowing SGA to retire the practice of passing them down verbally from year to year. Finally, I restructured the old Student Involvement Board to the Division of Student Involvement to give SGA the manpower it needed to actually support student organizations on campus with governance, compliance, operations, and new organization approvals. 

    In the Spring, I ran for Vice President for Student Involvement so that I could engage even further. As Vice President, my division and I instituted the overhaul of club constitutions to standardize them and ensure fairness in membership and elections. We started club affinity mixers where we plan affinity focused events for club leaders and members of those affinities. We are even going to run a new organization club fair which will give students the ability to learn about the prospective clubs going through the new organization process and  clubs the opportunity to increase their reach and recruit new members. 

    I’m proud of my record in SGA and I think the next step for me to make an impact at this university is Executive Vice President! As Executive Vice President, I hope to continue my involvement with Northeastern’s club community and create a common place that all students can use to find events and clubs, thereby increasing student integration in the community. This objective, together with countless others such as opening up more study space during finals week and providing NUin students with more support during their first semester will be the Huskies Forward slate’s focus as we come into the next year. I hope that you can support us and help us make Northeastern a better place for all Northeastern students!