Student Task Force Combatting White Supremacy & Fascism Ideology

Bigotry and hatred have no place on our campus and in our community. SGA has been working closely with the Northeastern Student of Color Caucus and Graduate Employees of Northeastern University - UAW to release the below statement and push for action. We have joined the Student Task Force Combatting White Supremacy & Fascism Ideology to work against the hatred and people attempting to divide us and hurt us all, especially people of marginalized and vulnerable groups. We invite everyone to read our joint statement and join us in condemning hatred and bigotry on our campus and in our world and work to create a safer and more inclusive community for everyone. Any person or group looking to work with the task force may contact us or the Northeastern Student of Color Caucus.


Statement on the recent event regarding the deportation of Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein Abadi


Brown-Nobile Slate Elected as Northeastern Student Government Association President and Executive Vice-President