Point of Information 9/25/2023


Welcome back to Senate! 

Thank you to all who attended our first Working Senate of the year. We are so happy to be back in Senate (and to bring back our weekly POI)! For our newcomers... the Point of Information (POI) will serve as a meeting recap with any important links, meeting times, events, etc. 

Upcoming Events: 

  • The Sustainability & bike fair will be today from 11am-2pm on Centennial. SGA's sustainability committee and PREF will be tabling. Stop by for a free bike tune-up! 

  • The PREF Campus Forum will be held on September 27th 10am-2pm in the Curry indoor quad. Come learn about campus planning and the future of Northeastern!

  • Our next Senate meeting is next Monday, October 2nd in Curry 333. An attendance change form will be sent to the senate roster soon if you cannot make the meeting.



  • New members: Please fill out this interest form as soon as possible. 

  • The operations team is looking for a Minutes Taker. If you are looking for a work study position, please reach out to Chief of Staff Sawyers (sawyers.s@northeastern.edu)

  • Committees and Boards have started! Check out our insta (@northeasternsga) for meeting schedules!

  • The holistic wellness working group is looking for some more members representing CIE and the cultural centers. If you're interested please reach out to ciummo.f@northeastern.edu

  • Campus services has many open leadership positions! Applications can be found here.


Recap: Informational Meeting 

  • We hosted our first guest speakers of the year!

  • Our slide deck is accessible here. This has all of the info we went over and contacts to leadership! 

  • Committees and Boards have started! Check out our insta for meeting schedules. Boards are closed; however, most have open positions and you can contact the chair if you would like to apply!


Point of Information 10/2/2023


Point of Information 9/18/2023