Point of Information 9/18/2023


Welcome back to Senate! 

Thank you so much to all those who attended our informational meetings. We are so happy to be back in Senate (and to bring back our weekly POI)! For our newcomers... the Point of Information (POI) will serve as a meeting recap with any important links, meeting times, events, etc. 


Recap: Informational Meeting 

  • As promised, our informational slide deck has been made accessible here. This has all of the info we went over and contacts to leadership! 

  • Committees and Boards are starting! the schedule is below. Boards are closed; however, most have open positions and you can contact the chair if you would like to apply!


  • As promised APPLICATIONS are due a week from today (Tuesday, September 26th). Don't forget to collect your signatures. You can find more information and check on your application status here. Reach out to Chief of Staff Sawyers (sawyers.s@northeastern.edu) with any application questions.

  • The holistic wellness working group is looking for some more members representing CIE and the cultural centers. If you're interested please reach out to ciummo.f@northeastern.edu!


Point of Information 9/25/2023


This Week in Senate: April 19, 2021