Point of Information 1/22/2024


Welcome back to Senate! It was great seeing some new faces in this week's intro meeting! This email (the "POI") serves as a recap of all of the information we covered during each Senate to keep you and the Northeastern study body as up-to-date as possible! 


  • This week we held an optional informational meeting for all of those interested in getting involved in SGA! 

  • Leadership applications are now open! The link is available here. Please read the list and description doc in the description line for important information about the positions including the deadlines. Reach out to the listed contact with any questions. 

    • Priority Deadline: January 30th 

    • Regular Deadline: February 6th 

    • Note: we encourage everyone to apply to these positions, regardless of SGA or other experience levels! 

  • Our slide deck is accessible here. This has all the info we went over and contacts for leadership!


  • Senate Applications are due January 30th 11:59. See below for details!  

  • Note The Global Experience Committee will be having its first meeting this week on Wednesday, 1/24 from 6-7pm in IV 019. The location change is only for this week. 

  • The Holistic Wellness Working Group is still looking for representatives from the LatinX center, John O’Bryant Center, Husky-to-Husky, and the LGBTQ+ center. The first meeting is next Tuesday (Jan 30th) from 4-5pm! Please reach out to ciummo.f@northeastern.edu if you would like to be involved. 


  • Living Off Campus Workshops are being hosted by Off Campus Engagement and Support. Registration and more information can be found here. Workshops will be held on the following dates:

    • January 25th, 10-11am ET via Zoom

    • February 5th, 4-5pm ET, Curry 333

    • February 28th, 11am-12pm ET via Zoom

  • The Annual Apartment Fair is being held on Wednesday, February 7th from 4-7pm in the Curry Indoor Quad. Students seeking to be connected to reputable listings, realtors, and properties are encouraged attend. More information can be found here. Registration link is accessible here


  • The Beanpot watch party is being held on February 5th at 5pm in the Curry Indoor Quad. Please spread the word and RSVP here to come out to show your Husky spirit! 🏒🐾

  • The first Official Senate meeting will be a working Senate held on January the 29th at 6:30pm! This will be held in the Senate Chambers, Curry 333. ALL are welcome and encouraged to attend, regardless of application status! 


  • Applications and nomination signatures are due on TUESDAY, January 30th at 11:59pm

  • To apply, you need to represent a constituency (this will be the group of undergraduate students you will be representing in our Senate body)  

    • You may represent your home academic college (ex. CSSH, COE, COS, etc.)- these Senators are referred to as Academic Senators 

    • OR you may represent another club/ organization on campus- these Senators are referred to as Special Interest Senators 

  • Fall Senators- If you applied as a Senator in Fall 2023, your senator status is still valid. No need to reapply, unless you wish to change your constituency. 

  • Spring and new Senators- If you have never applied or applied last spring, you must reapply to maintain your senator status!

  • Process for applying: 

  • If you have any questions about Senate or the application process feel free to reach out to the Speaker of the Senate at Donoghue.ca@northeastern.edu. You can also visit our website 



Point of Information 1/29/2024


Point of Information 12/4/2023