Point of Information 1/29/2024


Welcome back to Senate! It was great seeing some new faces in this week's meeting! This email (the "POI") serves as a recap of all of the information we covered during each Senate to keep you and the Northeastern study body as up-to-date as possible! 


  • This week we had our first Working Senate of the semester! 

  • Leadership applications are still open! The link is available here. Please read the list and description doc in the description line for important information about the positions including the deadlines. Reach out to the listed contact with any questions. 

    • Assistant Speaker of the Senate application is due tonight by 11:59PM 

    • The positions under the Director of Digital Innovation are also due by tonight 11:59PM

    • Applications for all other positions are due February 6th 

    • Note: we encourage everyone to apply to these positions, regardless of SGA or other experience levels! 

  • RETURNING SENATORS please fill out this Senate feedback form as soon as you can. 

    • This will be used to determine engagement hour requirements, senator bonding, and internal communication platforms. It is anonymous and every question is optional. 

  • Senators please fill out the Senate Name Pronunciation form 

  • Please continue adding to our Co-op database

  • Our slide deck is accessible here. This has all the info we went over and contacts for leadership!


  • Senate Applications are due TONIGHT January 30th at 11:59PM.  

  • The Global Experience Committee is meeting on Wednesday, January 31st, from 6-7 pm in Curry 342. Please note that the location has changed this week due to room booking issues.

    • Note: If you know anyone at Northeastern who participated in a program through GEO, please recruit them for the Global Experience Committee!

  • The Holistic Wellness Working Group is still looking for representatives from the LatinX center, John O’Bryant Center, Husky-to-Husky, and the LGBTQ+ center. Please reach out to ciummo.f@northeastern.edu if you would like to be involved. 

  • If you have any personal belongings in the SGA Office, please remove them for the day of February 10th or let Olivia Oestreicher (oestreicher.o@northeastern.edu) know. We will be gutting the room and potentially discarding your items if they are not removed!


  • "Living Off Campus Workshops" are being hosted by Off Campus Engagement and Support. Registration and more information can be found here. Workshops will be held on the following dates:

    • February 5th, 4-5pm ET, Curry 333

    • February 28th, 11am-12pm ET via Zoom

  • The Annual Apartment Fair is being held on Wednesday, February 7th from 4-7pm in the Curry Indoor Quad. Students seeking to be connected to reputable listings, realtors, and properties are encouraged attend. More information can be found here. Registration link is accessible here


  • Next week's Senate is being moved to Wednesday 2/7 at 6:30 pm. This will most likely be virtual due to room booking issues. Zoom information will be sent out in the Senate Agenda email which will be sent later this week. Attendance for this meeting will be counted as any other meeting. Meaning, you must fill out the attendance form at the bottom of this email if you cannot attend. 

    • The Senate calendar can be accessed here. Please reach out to Speaker Donoghue (Donoghue.ca@northeastern.edu) if you would like to see anything added to the Senate calendar. This includes but is not limited to, legislation, events, and guest speakers!

  • The Beanpot watch party is being held on February 5th at 5pm in the Curry Indoor Quad. Please spread the word and RSVP here to come out to show your Husky spirit! 🏒



Point of Information 2/7/2024


Point of Information 1/22/2024