Point of Information 11/6/2023


 Congratulations to Matthew Coughlin who has been voted in as our new Executive Vice President. We are excited to see all you will accomplish! πŸŽ‰

Meeting Recap  

  • We have completed our semesterly DEI and Media Training! Thank you to VP DeLaCruz and Director Duckworth for putting together the presentations. Their slides are linked in the meeting presentation included below. 

  • RG-FA-23-106 (Student Organization Policy Manual) was presented this week. Please review it before it is debated and voted on next week. 

  • SR-FA-23-107 (UHCS Medication Abortions) was presented this week. Please review it before it is debated and voted on next week. 

  • SR-FA-23-104 (Wellness Days) has been tabled for now. Please reach out to the authors with any amendments, questions, or concerns. 

  • IR-FA-23-105 (EVP Responsibilities) has been tabled to allow Senators additional time to prepare questions and engage with the authors. Please reach out to the authors with any amendments, questions, or concerns. 

  • Our slide deck is accessible here. This has all the info we went over and contacts for leadership.

VP of Operations Emergency Election

  • Nominations to fill EVP Coughlin's former role of VP for Operational Affairs are now open! Nominations for VP for Operational Affairs should follow the same process as we observed for EVP. Nominations can be made over email or during senate. Nominations by email are preferred. The process is laid out below: 

    • Send an email to sga@northeastern.edu with the full name of the nominee, the position (VP for Operational Affairs), and a voting member of the Senate willing to second the nomination. 

    • The person seconding the nomination must reply confirming their second.

    • Both the nominator and the second must be voting members of Senate! 

    • After the nomination is seconded, the nominee must accept within 24 hours.

    • Nominated candidates will have 5 minutes to give a speech and 10 minutes to answer questions on Monday (11/13)!

  • Please prepare one slide using this template. Feel free to edit the headings as required. Completed slides should be sent to sga@northeastern.edu AND sgaOperations@northeastern.edu by Monday at 9:00am.

    • All candidates should submit a slide regardless of if they are nominated by mail or nominated during the meeting

  • Below is a brief description of the role and responsibilities for VP for Operational Affairs:

    • The VP for Operational Affairs serves to address Association needs in the areas of transition planning, Association financial management, office management, retention and member development, data policy, survey creation, record keeping, website management and Senate document management, including official records of business.

    • The VP for Operations oversees the Chief of Staff, Director of Information Management, and any other ad hoc positions or committees. This currently includes the Director of Association Engagement and Advancement and the Director of Digital Innovation. 

  • If you have any questions over the requirements of this role you can reach out to EVP Coughlin (Coughlin.ma@northeastern.edu). 


  • Global Experience Committee will NOT be meeting this week. 

  • Pumpkin Composting drop-off πŸŽƒ will be held from November 6th-8th. There will be stations by the West Village Wollaston's and on Speare Place. Please come drop off your pumpkins and help out our environment! Reminder: they cannot be composted if they have anything (paint, glitter, etc.) that is not natural. Contact VP Mora (Mora.a@northeastern.edu) with any questions or concerns. 

  • Coffee Chat pairings have been announced! Please reach out to Director Donoghue (donoghue.ca@northeastern.edu) if you did not get contacted by your mentor!

Upcoming Events

  • Our next Senate meeting will be a FULL-BODY Senate held next Monday, November 13th at 6:30pm in Curry 333. Note: we will be back in our original meeting room next week. Attendance is mandatory! All attendance changes must be submitted via the attendance change form at least 1 week in advance. 

  • Homecoming hockey tailgate πŸ’ hosted by External Affairs will be held on November 11th from 4:30-7pm on Krentzman Quad. Stop by for some snacks and husky spirit! Sign up here to volunteer and get an engagement hour! Reach out to Director Watson (watson.ce@northeastern.edu) with any questions. 

  • DEI forum will be held by External Affairs and our DEI committee on November 14th from 6-7pm in 130 Hurtig Hall. If you plan on attending please RSVP here

  • Rocky Horror dinner show will be held by Campus Affairs on November 16th in the Curry Mezzanine from 7-9pm. 

  • The Office of Prevention & Education at Northeastern (OPEN) is seeking students’ feedback about OPEN’s sexual violence resources. Recognizing the disproportionate impact of sexual violence on students who hold marginalized identities, OPEN is hosting listening sessions throughout November that are open to LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and international students. The sessions are open to any student on the Boston campus who holds these identities, not just those who have directly experienced sexual violence. All information shared during these conversations will be confidential, and dinner will be provided.

    • For more information or to sign up, go to bit.ly/OPENLS and check out the fliers on slide 27 of our meeting's powerpoint. 


  • Our new Legislation form can be found here.

  • Student Success division expansion workshop form is available here

  • Please fill out the dining survey here


Point of Information 11/13/2023


Point of Information 10/30/2023