Point of Information 11/13/2023


Congratulations to Sophie Sawyers who has been voted in as our new Vice President for Operational Affairs. We are excited to see all you will accomplish! ๐ŸŽ‰

Meeting Recap  

  • RG-FA-23-106 (Student Organization Policy Manual) was passed this week. Congrats to the authors! 

  • IR-FA-23-105 (EVP Responsibilities) was presented this week. Please review it before it is voted on 11/27. 

  • RG-FA-23-108 (DEM Revisions) was presented this week. Please review it before it is voted on 11/27. 

  • SR-FA-23-107 (UHCS Medication Abortions) has been tabled for now. 

  • SR-FA-23-104 (Wellness Days) has been tabled for now. 

  • *Please reach out to the authors with any amendments, questions, or concerns regarding ongoing legislation. 

  • Our slide deck is accessible here. This has all the info we went over and contacts for leadership!


  • Our SGA Co-op data base has been launched. Please fill out your Co-op information here to connect with other SGA-ers! If you have completed more than one Co-op please complete separate entries. 

  • DEI committee will not be meeting this week... come to the DEI Forum instead! 

  • CPAB will be hosting student space focus groups. Please sign up here

  • Campus Planning Advisory Board (CPAB) has application openings. Apply here

  • Green Initiatives Board (GIB) has application openings. Apply here.

Upcoming Events

  • THERE IS NO SENATE MEETING NEXT MONDAY, 11/20. Our next Senate meeting will be a FULL-BODY Senate held on November 27th at 6:30pm in Curry 333. Attendance is mandatory! All attendance changes must be submitted via the attendance change form at least 1 week in advance. 

  • DEI forum will be held by External Affairs and our DEI committee TOMORROW, November 14th from 6-7pm in 130 Hurtig Hall. If you plan on attending please RSVP here

  • Rocky Horror dinner show will be held by Campus Affairs THIS THURSDAY, November 16th in the Curry Mezzanine from 7-9pm. 

  • The Office of Prevention & Education at Northeastern (OPEN) is seeking studentsโ€™ feedback about OPENโ€™s sexual violence resources. Recognizing the disproportionate impact of sexual violence on students who hold marginalized identities, OPEN is hosting listening sessions throughout November that are open to LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and international students. The sessions are open to any student on the Boston campus who holds these identities, not just those who have directly experienced sexual violence. All information shared during these conversations will be confidential, and dinner will be provided.

    • For more information or to sign up, go to bit.ly/OPENLS and check out the fliers on slide 27 of our meeting's powerpoint. 


  • Please fill out this name pronunciation form!

  • Our new Legislation form can be found here

  • Attendance form for Senate can be found here. 


Point of Information 11/27/2023


Point of Information 11/6/2023