Point of Information 11/27/2023


Congratulations on completing the last Legislative Senate of the year! We are looking forward to our final meeting next Monday!  ðŸŽ‰


  • Thank you to Anna Pan and Lois Hong for our Boston Intercollegiate Government (BIG) updates. Here if a note from our reps: 

    • To get involved with BIG please follow our instagram @bigstugovt where all our updates and initiatives are posted!

    • Similar to SGA, BIG has 4 different divisions: Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, DEI, and Internal Affairs.

    • In the biography, we have our bi-weekly general meeting zoom link for Tuesdays 8-9pm! During the GAs, we discuss a brief overview of each committees plans and agendas for the week.

    • Feel free to contact BIG reps Anna Pan and Lois Hong at pan.anna@northeastern.edu and hong.lo@northeastern.edu with any questions!

  • RG-FA-23-108 (DEM Revisions) was passed this week. Congrats to the authors! 

  • IR-FA-23-105 (Speaker of the Senate) was passed this week. Congrats to the authors! We will now be electing our new Speaker of the Senate at next week's meeting. See below for nomination and election details. 

  • SR-FA-23-107 (UHCS Medication Abortions) was passed this week. Congrats to the authors! 

  • SR-FA-23-104 (Wellness Days) has been tabled for now. 

    • *Please reach out to the authors with any amendments, questions, or concerns regarding ongoing legislation. 

  • Our slide deck is accessible here. This has all the info we went over and contacts for leadership!


  • Due to the passing of IR-105, an emergency election will be held for Speaker of the Senate next Monday, December 4th. Nominations are now open.The process is as follows:

  • Nominations can be made over email or during senate. Nominations by email are highly preferred. 

    • Send an email to sga@northeastern.edu with the full name of the nominee, the position (Speaker of the Senate), and a voting member of the Senate willing to second the nomination. 

      • Both the nominator and the second must be voting members of Senate! 

      • The person seconding the nomination must reply confirming their second.

    • After the nomination is seconded, the nominee must accept within 24 hours.

    • Nominated candidates will have 5 minutes to give a speech and 10 minutes to answer questions on Monday (12/4)!

    • Please prepare one slide using this template. Feel free to edit the headings as required. Completed slides should be sent to sga@northeastern.edu AND sgaOperations@northeastern.edu    by Monday at 9:00am.

      • All candidates should submit a slide regardless of if they are nominated by mail or nominated during the meeting. 


  • Winter Clothing Drive for the First-Generation and Low-Income Student Union (FGLISU) is being hosted throughout campus from December 1st-8th. View more information here and reach out to sgadei@northeastern.edu with any questions. 

  • Best of luck with finals! If you are in need of support please refer to Northeastern’s resources. For more information on how to connect with Northeastern's wellness resources reach out to Director of Wellness Ciummo at ciummo.f@northeastern.edu

  • Our SGA Co-op data base has been launched. Please fill out your Co-op information here to connect with other SGA-ers! If you have completed more than one Co-op please include separate entries. 

  • CPAB will be hosting student space focus groups. Please sign up here

  • Dining Advisory Board (DAB) has application openings. Apply here

  • Green Initiatives Board (GIB) has application openings. Apply here.


  • Our next Senate meeting will be a FULL-BODY and the FINAL SENATE OF THE SEMESTER next Monday, December 4th at 6:30pm in Curry 333. This will be our Annual Holiday Party and the awarding of Senators and Delegates of the Semester. ðŸŽ‰

    • Please fill out the RSVP form here. This is also where you can note dietary restrictions for catering. Feel free to extend this to all people involved in SGA- not just Senators! 

    • Attendance is mandatory! All attendance changes must be submitted via the attendance change form at least 1 week in advance. 

  • The Office of Prevention & Education at Northeastern (OPEN) is seeking students’ feedback about OPEN’s sexual violence resources. Recognizing the disproportionate impact of sexual violence on students who hold marginalized identities, OPEN is hosting listening sessions throughout November that are open to LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and international students. The sessions are open to any student on the Boston campus who holds these identities, not just those who have directly experienced sexual violence. All information shared during these conversations will be confidential, and dinner will be provided.



Point of Information 12/4/2023


Point of Information 11/13/2023