Points of Information

The "Point of Information" is a e-newsletter published by the Speaker of the Senate that provides updates on recent Senate meetings, including recaps of legislation passed, nominations, and upcoming elections. It also shares important announcements for SGA members in general, such as training sessions, budget deadlines, and recruitment opportunities. Additionally, the newsletter highlights campus-wide events, workshops, and upcoming Senate meetings, ensuring that all members are informed and prepared for their roles.


SGA Releases Internal Budget for 2021 Fiscal Year

SGA is releasing our annual budget for the 2019-2020 academic year in continuing our efforts of openness and transparency with the student body. Read our detailed release here.

Continuing SGA’s openness with the student body and Northeastern community, SGA is sharing our annual budget allocated from the Finance Board for the 2020-2021 academic year. SGA requested and was allocated $20,441.61 from the Finance Board for the 2021 Fiscal Year.

In recent history, the Association has never used all of the allocated budgets it received from the Finance Board, and all funds it does not use goes back into the Student Activity Fund. We have worked to minimize our reliance on the Student Activity Fund with this coming fiscal year’s budget being less than 36% of what it was two years ago in 2019. This will remain a priority through maintaining funding efforts for the Association’s cash account. The cash account is used to cover the Association’s expenses not detailed in the budget. In accordance with the Student Activity Fund Manual, if there is food for Senate meetings, the expense will come out of the Association’s cash account and no longer from the Student Activity Fund. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to SGA’s leadership or click the feedback form in the upper righthand corner. SGA will continue to work with undergraduate students to positively impact their daily lives.

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Northeastern Student Government Association 2020 Direct Elections Results

Following a week of voting, results for the Student Government Association’s Direct Elections were announced today.

Following a week of voting, results for the Student Government Association’s Direct Elections were announced today. A total of 5,085 students participated in this year’s election which is 27% of the full-time undergraduate community. The results are:

  • 2,770 — NU Lens slate

  • 1,099 — No Confidence

  • 1,216 — Abstentions

Out of these results, the NU Lens slate received 71.6% and No Confidence received 28.4% of the eligible votes (not including abstentions).

As per the Association’s bylaws, President-Elect Kate Kuznetsova and Executive Vice-President-Elect Billy Opet of the NU Lens slate shall begin serving their term at the beginning of the Summer 2 session and until the end of the following Summer I session.

The ballot for the election also posed a referendum question to the Student Body. The question was “Should Northeastern fulfill the City of Boston’s requested monies for Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)?”. It passed with 80.6% of the eligible votes (not including abstentions). The vote totals are:

  • 2,426 — Yes

  • 585 — No

  • 2,074 — Abstain

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Statement on the recent event regarding the deportation of Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein Abadi

On Sunday night at Logan Airport, Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein Abadi was unjustly denied entry into our country despite having a proper F1 student visa. This is SGA’s statement in response to this event.

To the Northeastern community:

On Sunday night at Logan Airport, Mohammad Shahab Dehghani Hossein Abadi was unjustly denied entry into our country despite having a proper F1 student visa. The U.S Customs and Border Protection deported him before the scheduled Boston federal court hearing on Tuesday, without allowing him access to his lawyer.

We stand with Northeastern community members who feel affected by this incident of discrimination and intolerance. We are extremely proud of the rapid response and mobilization we have witnessed from fellow students, faculty, and staff, which is why we are actively fighting to preserve every students’ feeling of belonging on this campus.

To effectively advocate for you, we are working with Northeastern administrators to ensure clear communication regarding Shahab’s return. We hope for due process and justice for our fellow student and eagerly await his return back to campus. Until then, our hearts are with Shahab throughout this process.

The Student Government Association

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Student Task Force Combatting White Supremacy & Fascism Ideology

SGA has joined the Student Task Force Combatting White Supremacy & Fascism Ideology with the Northeastern Student of Color Caucus and Graduate Employees of Northeastern University - UAW to work against the hatred and people attempting to divide us and hurt us all. Please read the official statement from the Task Force here.

Bigotry and hatred have no place on our campus and in our community. SGA has been working closely with the Northeastern Student of Color Caucus and Graduate Employees of Northeastern University - UAW to release the below statement and push for action. We have joined the Student Task Force Combatting White Supremacy & Fascism Ideology to work against the hatred and people attempting to divide us and hurt us all, especially people of marginalized and vulnerable groups. We invite everyone to read our joint statement and join us in condemning hatred and bigotry on our campus and in our world and work to create a safer and more inclusive community for everyone. Any person or group looking to work with the task force may contact us or the Northeastern Student of Color Caucus.

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Brown-Nobile Slate Elected as Northeastern Student Government Association President and Executive Vice-President

The results of the 2019 Student Government Association’s Direct Elections are released. The Brown-Nobile slate received over half of the votes for student body president and vice president. All three of the ballot questions have passed. Click for more details.

BOSTON, April 12, 2019 — Following four days of voting, results for the Student Government Association’s Direct Elections were announced today. A total of 7,725 students participated in this year’s election, with:

  • 3,876 of the votes for the Brown-Nobile slate

  • 2,504 of the votes for No Confidence

  • 1,345 abstentions

As per the Association’s bylaws, President-Elect Christopher Brown and Executive Vice-President-Elect Gabriella Paese Nobile shall begin serving their term at the end of the Summer I semester and until the end of the following Summer I semester.

The ballot for the election also posed three referenda questions to the Student Body, all three of which passed, with the following vote totals:

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